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June 28, 2006


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Pete Everitt

Really... The MA in Emerging Church will look into 'blogging... That is interesting!

A few of us at MCF are looking into the possibility of 'blogging as a tool for our church community - starting with youth (i.e. contemporary culture). Although not many of the youth read my 'blog - not that it's aimed at them - I do think that the immediacy of the current culture and the availability/flexibility that the internet offers, a "blog issue" site within a church community could act as a viable tool for the development of personal understanding and/or spirituality. As some of us looked into in our degree dissertations, a cyber church really can't be classed as "church" - the reverse, however, of a church interacting through the medium of cyberspace, could be an interesting engagement with contemporary culture.

With all this said, it does need to be noted that the implementation of an idea such as this needs to have a clear direction to it. We all know of 'blogs that state in their summaries what they're about, and then when you read them they're nothing like what they state. A 'blog of this nature would need to keep to its ethos, not to limit its effect, but in order to facilitate its life and productivity...

That's my opinion anyway! Any further comments would be interesting to reflect on...


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