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January 20, 2010


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Philip Ritchie

Many thanks for the details about the survey Pete. A significant part of my job is training preachers and there are some very interesting issues and encouraging observations to chew over.

One particular concern I have at the moment is how the sermon can help challenge and encourage the formation of Christian character and I think this ties in with the Why are people happier to reflect internally than to change their behaviour in response to a sermon?

Anyway, I'll order a copy of the report and look forward to hearing more about how the project develops.


David Keen

Likewise, thankyou, this is very helpful and unpacks some of the survey findings. I have a similar question to Phil, which is the efficacy of the sermon as a tool for discipleship. If 'making disciples' is the raison d'etre of the church, then are we actually fulfilling this through the mediums we use?

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