I was asked, at the very last minute, to do a brief talk at the Biblefresh Launch in London last November or might even have been December. It is not up on the Biblefresh resource pages (http://biblefresh.com - go to Resources: Training and it's no page five). You can go to it direct here: http://www.biblefresh.com/resources/training/audio-video/#TB_inline?width=605&inlineId=media_full_66
I hate watching myself but I enjoyed doing this session and thought it wasn't bad for 24 hours notice!
Biblefresh is going to be everywhere - I hope - this academic year - as the UK celebrates 400 years of the KJV and the authorised translation of the Bible into English. Biblefresh is using this as a launch pad to get the Church to look back at its foundational text - to re-engage with the bible and to see it as the life giving resource that it is. We think the Church is malnourished because it isn't feeding on God's word - the words of life. So Codec is putting together #BigBible (@bigbible), working on #refract with Premier Media, helping the Methodist Church put together a series of festivals around the country looking at the Bible in all its richness, and working on Dales Biblical Literacy Project up here in the North East. We're hoping to spread the good news of the Bible and get people to engage so much more with the word of God.
Hi Pete,
I've just rewatched this talk before preaching on Gideon - Lion Storyteller Bible vs Judges 6-8 - this coming Sunday. Thanks for a great sermon outline!
Regards, Fiona
Posted by: Fionabuddonline | May 15, 2012 at 09:21 PM